Contact Tracing Program Discontinued June 1

Return to Office


This communication is based on guidance from Group Health


The centrally managed COVID-19 contact tracing program for US bp offices will be discontinued as of June 1, 2022. This applies to our US bp offices, not including operational sites, which manage their own contact tracing processes locally. Group Health guidance should continue to be followed for any COVID-19 positive cases or close contacts as stated below.


This change aligns with the discontinuation of the COVID-19 case notification process, which is also discontinued as of May 31, 2022.


Should characteristics of the COVID-19 virus change, the centrally managed contact tracing program will be reviewed and may be reinstated. Anyone coming to a bp office should continue to self-monitor regularly for symptoms of COVID-19 and remain offsite if symptomatic.


If ill or displaying symptoms, inform your line manager and follow the published bp guidance here: covid-19-health-decision-tree-for-businesses.pdf ( as well as the US office recommendations summarized below:


If you test positive or have symptoms of COVID-19


Following a positive test result or the onset of symptoms, whichever comes first, you are required to isolate for 7 days.


Isolation refers to staying away from others once you know or believe you are sick, or you test positive for COVID-19.


You may end isolation after 5 days if you have a negative antigen test result and are asymptomatic without the use of medication.

If you are a close contact of someone who tests positive (or is presumed positive) for COVID-19


Close contact is defined as having been within less than 6 feet of a person who tested positive for COVID-19 for a cumulative 15 minutes over a 24-hour period.


There is no requirement to quarantine and you can remain in the office.


You are required to monitor symptoms for 10 days and isolate if symptoms develop. If you do develop symptoms, you must follow the guidance for employees who test positive or have symptoms of COVID-19

Upon return to the office, wear a face mask for 10 days following either date of close contact or date of a positive COVID test


More information on COVID-19 can be found on the OneBP - “Health & Wellbeing” site here.


Of course, all employees and guests are welcome to continue wearing a mask in the office if they choose – and no one should question that choice. In alignment with bp’s values and behaviors, we must treat all employees with respect. If you have questions about the process, please contact me at


Group Health